Stephanie Boersma

by Stephanie Boersma

Writing “Funny” January 13, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — stephanieboersma @ 1:37 am

We’ve been writing a treatment and pitch for hours now about a television sitcom for my class studio production.

Its consuming my life.

But as I sit here, a fear  creeps into my head that has been since we started this whole project.

I’m afraid I can’t write “funny”.

I can come up with a million characters and a million plots and conflicts and dialogue but writing funny does not come naturally. I read scripts from The Dick Van Dyke show, Mary Tyler Moore, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, and even in reading the scripts I find myself laughing.

But me? Writing “funny”?

I think out of the day I laugh more than I do anything else. I grew up around sarcasm; my family dinners were always hysterical. I can crack jokes here and there, but to write funny is truly an art.

And I’m beginning to fear that I’m a crappy painter.

So my prayer is that as this semester progresses, somehow the natural juices will flow and the funny will just… come.


One Response to “Writing “Funny””

  1. alex #2 Says:

    things that are funny: unintentional comedy. the funniest characters aren’t the ones that are cracking jokes or replying with quick-witted comments like in Friends or Raymond. so don’t stress yourself out there. the funniest characters are hopelessly awkward people who are written into hopelessly awkward situations, and reacting in funny ways that are true to life. i don’t know what you would call it; real life comedy? another thing that is funny is jokes about Baldwin and IWU. just kidding.

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