Stephanie Boersma

by Stephanie Boersma

“Because God has spoken, and the rest is just commentary.” January 20, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — stephanieboersma @ 7:07 pm

I’ve been examining my writing style and trying to improve writing in a way that sounds like a conversation.  A book that came to mind when i thought of conversation-style writing was “Sex God” by Rob Bell (well, “Velvet Elvis” is also a good example of this). Bell rarely writes long sentences with big words. He writes in a way that any Joe Schmo can understand.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons his books are so appealing.

Not only that, but just by reading his book you can hear his personality come through. Maybe the reason for this is because I’ve heard him speak, but regardless, his writing matches his speaking. Not only do I think so, but most everyone who reads his book (with whom I talk to) have agreed with this.

Simple. Clean. Easy to read and understand.

Apart from that point, I strongly believe that ANY communication major should read Sex God (no its not all about sex) because Bell discusses that we should present ourselves in a way that brings good into the world and not evil.

And yes, that was a shameless plug.

But I have found that even in fictional stories by my favorite authors, there are times when even the dialogue does not seem conversation-style.  Sometimes I find myself reading a line over and over because it just doesn’t seem to make sense.

So in my everyday writing I’m going to try to improve my conversational appeal, so to speak.

But seriously, read that book. It will change  your mind on alot of things. Even communication.


One Response to ““Because God has spoken, and the rest is just commentary.””

  1. Jason M Says:

    I LOVE Rob Bell! I totally agree with what you said about him sounding the same in his writing as when he speaks.

    I have yet to read Sex God, but Velvet Elvis remains in my top 3 favorite books I’ve ever read.

    God bless

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