Stephanie Boersma

by Stephanie Boersma

I think I have written to my heart’s content. February 24, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — stephanieboersma @ 1:14 am

I’m not kidding. I thinkĀ  I have written more these past few months than any time in my life. I’m not complaining, just making a statement (a statement that i am still in awe over).

Spent four hours on sunday night “finalizing” our script for Studio Production. And when I say “finalize”, i mean it will probably be revised about a million times over again.

And I just finished a rough draft “essay paper” about Robert La Follette and Progressivism for American Civilization. Its horrible. Trust me on this. I think all of my creativity has been squeezed out…

I need replenishing.

Its not easy work being a writer. In high school I used to think myself quite crafty with words… now… not so much. My mother always wanted me to be an author. My father always wanted me to be a teacher. I think i’ve meshed both those dreams into one.

And I’m exhausted.

I hope this makes sense. I guess what I’m getting at is that I’m looking forward to Spring Break. My fingers need to be couch potatoes for a bit and get off the keyboard treadmill. Don’t even get my started about my brain at this point.


Always learning… February 9, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — stephanieboersma @ 5:12 pm

I seem to be constantly learning new things about myself as a writer. I’m definitely learning that you can pour yourself out into writing and it can still come out poopy (can i use that word?)

And the second, third, fourth, fifth drafts may not be any better. Part of me just wants to hang up the towel at times.

Sometimes I write things that I personally think are genius and find out no one agrees with my viewpoint. Its hard letting your babies go. But I keep trying and keep writing: for what?

Still trying to figure that out.